I studied in Jerusalem in college (naturopathy, chemistry, nutrition, introduction to medicine and herbal medicine) and in addition, natural cosmetics and anti-aging treatment methods.
I have 20 years of experience as a lecturer in nutrition, with practice in health and skin restoration as well as in the development of high-quality natural cosmetics with the approval of the Ministry of Health.
You can of course trust us for professionalism and a pleasant atmosphere. We offer comprehensive nutritional advice, diet, and body toning advice as well as an iridological diagnosis.
Natural cosmetics and high-quality anti-aging treatments for rejuvenating and restoring the skin with guaranteed results, pedicures, electro epilation, and more.
We look forward to seeing you!
There are different nutritional plans adjusting personalized:
A diet plan includes menus and a revolutionary diet machine, an anti-aging diet that helps improve the skin and strengthen the body systems, Iridology diagnosis that allows an in-depth look from the physical and mental aspect and adjusting nutrition according to the customer’s wishes.
Body cleansing contributes to strengthening the body and is sometimes used as a basis for a nutrition and diet plan.
It depends on the physical and mental state – must be adjusted separately.
Typically, 3 meetings, once a week followed by a monthly or comprehensive follow-up or weight loss and toning program.
Anti-aging diet – 2 s meetings, once every two weeks.
First, diet is a recipe for weight gain. I advocate a healthy and right lifestyle while accurately matching the mental, physical situation and your lifestyle.
after many years of experience, I have built a special program that combines nutrition and a device for lymphatic massage and body cleansing and the results are excellent.
There is support throughout the process and beyond.
It is a versatile device that helps in weight loss and fat mass through air pressure, infra red and EMS.
Improves blood circulation, contributes to lymph drainage and massage that reduces the appearance of cellulite, tightens the skin and cleanses the body of toxins.
It depends on the type of treatment and the condition of the skin. It has to be personalized.
Nutritional treatments – 3 meetings, once a week and subsequent follow-up accordingly
In general, acne and anti-aging treatments are recommended every 4 weeks and after a number of treatments you can come every two and a half to 3 months.
The classic treatment for normal skin is recommended every 3 months
Personal advice, individually tailored to your goals, is an integral part of every treatment. You are welcome to come to the meeting without any obligation and we will tailor the right treatment for you. Around the age of 30 and up, it is recommended to start anti-aging treatments.For younger skin, a classic treatment or a customized acne treatment is recommended.